Monday, October 30, 2006

Some words.

They just get me.

Like "Dull." "Dull" makes me want to rebuild cities and rediscover things. Makes me want to sail out into the open sea and look for bumps under the ripples and waves that could be the beginnings of new lands. Maybe it's because I'm terrified of the word... Or maybe because I want to be it for a day?

I want a double life, too. Maybe "dull" is one of my double lives. But is it the known one, or the secret one?

That'd be a fun afternoon.

I consider Tom Waits to be a fine poet. He's got his own way of describing ideas and feelings that just rip me apart. It's like those people who always say what other people are afraid to... And you never know whether to think them amazing or crazy.

By the way, while I'm thinking of it, people who deem themselves "crazy" anger me so. I'm guilty of doing it in the past but I don't anymore simply because it's... just... offensive. Calling yourself "volatile" is one thing, but "crazy" is quite another. I have this theory that those who do that are the most uninteresting, [dare I say] dull people alive.

I wish they'd just set sail on their own boats for a change. Redefine something, for Pete's sake.


At 3:33 PM, Blogger speak in adlibs said...

"I have this theory that those who do that are the most uninteresting, [dare I say] dull people alive."

call me crazy, but i agree.


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